Guess what? Fat Fat brought me to Pet Movers Dog Run this afternoon !! Which is something very unusual as I normally goes to the dog run on weekends!
Well, the reason being, I will be super duper busy this weekend as I am visiting the
vet on Saturday and need the whole day to rest as the jab normally makes me very sleepy. And also, I will not be having my bath for the next two weeks after my jab .... ***Faint*** .... Oh gosh !!! Am I going to have
body odour again?
And I will be going for my first
FUN FAIR on sunday ...
Today is indeed a very unusual day, well first of all, Fat Fat brought me to PMDR on a weekday which is unusual. (No, no ... I am NOT complaining, in fact it will be great if Fat Fat can bring me to the dog run EVERYDAY)
The second unusual thing is there is NO DOGS in the dog run except me !!!! Now, what is a dog run without dogs???? Its just so unlike a dog run !!!
The third unusual thing is there there is no water in the pond for me to paddle in!!!
The pond normally looks like this

But today, it look like this !!

Luckily there is one thing that is normal, that is my bathing area is still there .... look ! with my favourite color blue too !! :)