Door Keeper
Wow ! Its been a long time since I update on my job scope in the office.
Let's see, besides being a Pest Control Manager, IT Manager, Security Manager, I am also a Door Manager. .... errrr ... Door Manager? .... sounds wierd yeah?
But basically, what I do is look after the door, I make sure that no one comes in and take our things. If they do, I bark. Yes, thats the only thing I do, I bark. Not bite.
Come to thing of it, doesnt that makes me a door bell? ... hmmm .... or should I call myself a Door Bell Manager?
And I think I do a very good job and I have been trained not to leave the office even when the door is open ! Yes, I am a responsible doggies.
This is me at work

No body is interested to come to the office ..... IM BORED STARING AT THE DOOR !!!!
Ahahahaha! That's good! You're an obedient dog. For me, once I see the door or gate open, I must charge out! For CATS!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
ah bond bond, u know golden are pretty lazy bum... wah-ha-ha! wanna protect your brother? he's turning into... errr... Boy Boy now!
wet wet licks
My Mommy says you are a bouncer.
Fuzzy face sniffies
Bond, You are such a great dog. Can we comy by and visit you at the office?
Boy n Baby
Yeah, thats what Im doing all days......but I think I will bite those naughty bumbum that trying to take MY things....
Having a job make us feel important. And we are important in fact. The door has never been opened for me without my strap but I know I'd run away given the case.
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