Why does bad things happen all at the same time?
I have not been lucky recently,
1) I have hot spot and I dont even know how they found themselves on me !!
2) Gal Gal is not very pleased to see me with hot spot (Well, not that I want them, they found me !)
3) I have been licking, kissing and biting the hot spots as I thought that thats the way to make them gone. Isn't it the same as food? I lick food, food is gone? ... Weird
4) Gal Gal is very angry with me for licking and kissing the hot spots, she said I am not helping. (HEY !!! LOOK !!! Im helping by licking them away ok ??!!!)
Why have all the bad things happen to me all at the same time?
Anyway, Gal Gal said that she wants to help me ..... HOW ??? ...... see for yourself ...
An E-collar

She says that this E-Collar will stop me from kissing and licking the hotspots .... well ... fine .... Im still a happy dog with this thing around me
Now you see me, now you dont ... :P

Hi Bond
My brother, Hobson gets hot spots too. I get very itchy and so does my sister, Rose. It's because of the hot, humid weather. Hobson has more sensitive skin than us too.
Mum is like Gal Gal .. she worries so much about our skin, but the vet man said there is not much that can be done. Mum makes certain we don't have any preservatives in our food as this doesn't help hot spots.
Thank you very much for sending the 3 postcards and entering mum in a free trip to Singapore. You and Boo Boo and Gal Gal and Fat Fat are so very kind for caring about our mum, and also Beau.
We hope your hot spot goes away very soon. You're still a very handsome looking boy. You're a Gundog like me too.
Love from your friend, Hammer
My Lucky used to get hotspots - it was from a dairy allergy.
Bussie Kissies
hope that the hot spots will go off soon. No fun going around with the E collar.
Boy n Baby
You and cubby should start a cone club...poor guy...i hope those hot spots arent contagious....i hope you are better soon
Hi Bond, i used to have that too. Now it's better after some silly smelling shampoo from the vet. Get well soon.
Hi Bond,
If it makes you feel any better, we are on the same boat. I also have hotspots on my paw paw and is under the e-collar aka satellite dish treatment. Sigh.. my mum is upset with me for licking at the hotspots, can you please help me convince her that I am just trying to lick them AWAY??
Poor Bond with his hotspots and mean ol' collar. I hope they heal up fast and don't make you itchy anymore.
I got the cards yesterday that you and BooBoo sent me. I sure did like them- thank you! I hope I win the contest for a trip to Singapore so I could meet you two.
Big Wags,
Aw sorry about THE collar... those things are pretty awful. Almost as bad as the hot spots themselves!
Hi Bond,
poor boy, sounds like you're maintaining your sense of humour in spite of wearing the contraption around your neck.
Thanks so much to you and Boo Boo for entering me into that lucky draw for a trip to meet you. (Bow)wow that would be fantastic!
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
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