Postage Rate increase
I cant believe this ! I simply cannot believe this ! Why are they doing this to me ?????? And of all times, why this now !!!!????????
You see, I have never been sending out any xmas cards ALL MY LIFE !! NEVER !!! What I do best on xmas is to go around licking people, and wishing them a blessed xmas, and errr .... yeah, try to get ask many xmas presents as I could.
But this year is different !!!! This year, I decided to do something very different and that is to send xmas cards to all my dog-bloggers friends. And I have been saving for months and months for my xmas cards and stamps. For the past few months, I had not been buying any big treats for myself, I save whatever I could, just so that my friends can have a very nice card from me,
And guess what ????!!!!! They have to increase the postage rates at this time !!!!
The good thing is that the postage rates will increase effective 18 December, which means I MUST, BY HOOK OR BY CROOK to send out all my cards out BY 18 December ....
Faint ... and I have not even started designing my cards yet ....

Bond.. You look so sad, I feel like giving you a hug to comfort you. First time I see your picture that you are not smiling one.
~ fufu
I know that you will recive lot's of cards from all over,You hang in there.And make sure your humans let you lick the stamps ..sniff-sniff,
Lot's of Lick's
Sorry stamps are going up. Mail them out before the 18th. I will not be doing this x-mas exchange this year. My parents are leaving the country so maybe next year.
Maybe you can trade some licking and snuggling for stamps at the post office?
- Charlie
Get the paws moving buddy!
Bussie Kissies
Bond, I am not happy too! Why must they increase the postage at this time!!!
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