Don't mess with me
Some of you guys knows that I goes to work everyday, I shall dedicate the next few post to MY WORK. So that you guys knows exactly what your human does at work, in case some of you are wondering.
There is this irritating guy in the office, everyone calls him Ah Sheng, well, except me, I never once address him at all. The irritating thing about him is that everytime Ah Sheng sees me in the morning, he likes to show me his fist and pretend to hit me, and me, being a very naive dog, always believes that he will hit me.
One morning, I was not very happy and moody as it was raining and I miss my usual morning walk, and this Ah Sheng shows me his fist again.... I was pissed !!! I growl at him and the next thing I knew, I SNAP AT HIM, AIMING FOR HIS BIG FAT JUICY FIST ... lucky for him, his reflex was fast and I miss him.
Knew what he did next? He went to complain to Fat Fat !!! Said I wanted to bite him. Lucky Fat Fat was on my side, and Fat Fat said this to Ah Sheng, "Why does he only want to bite you when there are so many people in the office? There must be a reason." (Obviously, Fat Fat knew and saw what Ah Sheng did to me every time with his fist) ....
Growl ..... DONT MESS WITH ME .... I maybe be a Smiling Dog but that doesnt mean you can bully me .......

I used to go to the office with my Mom sometimes if she had to work on the weekend. It was fun, I hung out under her desk, I wandered around and ended up under the president's desk (he liked to pet me), and I stole cookies out of Mom's secretary's purse.
Bussie Kissies
Way to go, Bond!
You should have bite him harder!
Sorry. tat was me in the above post
well done Bond!!! bad man deserves to be bitten! but be careful though, one day he may decide to let his fist go all the way to your face! remember to remain on guard at all times and avoid him as much as possible.
i think it's wonderful that you get to go with your Fat fat to work! :) i wish i could too.
Yeah. Lucky fat fat was on your side Bond. You need us to go beat this Ah Sheng up?
~ fufu
That guy deserved it, I don't understand him one bit. Good thing you are not a terrier, or he.... nevermind. Good boy Bond!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey Bond!
Wow you're one lucky boy to be able to go to work with your boo-man everyday. What do you get to do there? Next time if that meanie tries to show you his fist again.. instead of trying to bite him I say STEAL HIS LUNCH (it's tastier!).
PS - we added you to our list of links, we hope that's oK!
Hi Bond,
Is that a carrot stuffy that I see! Me and you would get along really good.
Yeah - Fu Fu and I could come help you take care of that bully if you want!
- Charlie
Way to go Bond ! Don't mess with a retreiver !
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