Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My "life" story

It was by chance that I met Fat Fat, my current owner.

I was wandering along Haig Road when Fat Fat found me. It was a hot afternoon and I had been wandering for God knows how long.

Fat Fat tried to help me find my owner, but according to some security guards around the area where I was found, I had already been roaming around that area for 2 weeks!! And I was all skinny and slightly fur-less, so much so that Fat Fat thought that I am a mongrel .... ~!@#$%^&*()_+ how can such a beautiful dog like me be a mongrel. Well, not that mongrel are not beautiful, there are beautiful ones around, but but but but ..... hiya............

Anyway, Fat Fat was kind enough to bring me home, Fat Fat said that I must have been a very naughty boy that my ex-owner would want to abandon me. Well, I will try to be good from now on ... i dread being abandon.


At 4:26 am, Blogger WuffRuff said...

How nice of Fat Fat to give you a home. But your owner not fat what, why you call her Fat Fat?? Well, you are very fortunate and should cherish your family now... and be good! :)

At 11:33 am, Anonymous Ippo456 said...

No dogs are bad enough to be abandoned, no animals should be disposable.
But I'm glad to hear that you've found a new home :-)


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